Electrical Test and Inspection

What is a periodic inspection?

A Periodic Inspection is an inspection on the condition of an existing electrical installation in order to determine, so far as is reasonably practicable, whether the installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service.

Why is a periodic test needed?

Every electrical installation deteriorates with use and age. It is important for the person responsible for the maintenance of the installation to be sure that the safety of users is not put at risk, and that the installation continues to be in a safe and serviceable condition.

A periodic inspection will:

  • Reveal if any of your electrical circuits or equipment is overloaded
  • Find any potential electrical shock risks and fire hazards in your electrical installation
  • Identify any defective DIY electrical work
  • Highlight any lack of earthing or bonding

Tests are also carried out on wiring and associated fixed electrical equipment to check that it is safe. A schedule of circuits will also be provided, which is invaluable for a property.

Ensure your electrical installation is safe and serviceable
contact AIMS Electrical
When is a periodic inspection needed?

It is recommended that periodic inspection and testing is carried out:

  • when a property is being prepared to be let
  • prior to selling a or when buying a previously occupied property

What happens during the inspection?

The electrical contractor will check the electrical installation against the current requirements of BS 7671 – 17th edition (lEE Wiring Regulations) - as amended 2008, which is the national safety standard for electrical installations.

Cost effective solutions

Electrical Installation Testing

All aspects of the electrical installation are inspected and tested for strength, integrity and compliance with the 17th edition  BS 7671 IEE Regulations.

Any faults or defects found will be recorded, and a suggested method for correcting the fault will be given to you. Upon completion of the tests a schedule of the tests will be provided. This includes the following: